My name is Janette and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1995. My most debilitating symptoms are muscle weakness and chronic fatigue. Over the years I’ve experienced little help with these symptoms through mainstream medicine. I would live months at a time housebound and was not able to work.
Since beginning treatment with Emi Miller two years ago my quality of life has improved a great deal. With the combination of diet, herbs and moxa I am often able to work 15 hours a week and have a family/social life. I have periods when I am able to do such things as make plans with people, exercise (30-40 minute walks five days a week) and go shopping. My mental fatigue/”fog” has also improved and as a result so has my memory and self-confidence and depression.
While this treatment is not a “cure” for my symptoms and I still have periods of time when I am not well, these “down” periods and shorter in length and less intense. My condition has improved immensely and I am ever so grateful to have found Emi, learned from her, and experienced the positive effects of her therapy.  Please feel free to call me for any further information I can give.